Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Minutes from the August 28, 2012 meeting

August 28, 2012

Board Members Present:  Brenda Douce, Joe Laforest, Al Potts, and Jeannie Rigdon.
Visitors Present:  Duncan McClusky and Michael Mitchem.

1707 Belleview Avenue

This tree is next to the street and a fence post is located right next to the tree.  There are some dead branches in the tree but it is not one of the worst trees in the city.  The board recommended that the tree should be pruned and have the dead wood taken out.  The city employees will need to evaluate if they can access the dead wood with the equipment they have.
There was a question if the city would allow an employee to be trained in climbing a tree to remove dead wood.  Joe Laforest is certified and can train the employee in this procedure. 

820 North Park
There was a call about two oak trees on north Park.  The board visited the site.  One tree has dead wood and should be removed.  The second tree has a large branch extending over the road with two large decaying areas on either side of the branch.  For this reason the board would recommend removing this tree as well.  Across the street there is another tree without a single leaf on it. 

There are over 200 trees that have been identified during the Davey Tree inventories that should be removed and are still standing.  A pine tree may be removed in a half day and a large oak tree may take up to three days to remove.  City employees work on removing these problem trees when their schedule permits. 

The right of way is measured from the center of the road and can vary in distance.  A general rule of thumb is where the water meters or the power lines are.  These usually mark the end of the right of way.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Did you know?

According to the US Department of Agriculture, "the net cooling effect of a young healthy tree is equivalent to ten room size air conditioners operating 20 hours a day." Save money- plant a tree!